Klim arrives in Auburn to help Australian Swim Team ‘Cap’ off successful Staging Camp

Posted in Swimming



Swimming Australia, August 1, 2016: The Australian Swim Team’s final night in their pre-Olympic Staging Camp saw triple-Olympian Michael Klim welcomed in to help host the official Gold Cap Presentation held at the Auburn University Hotel Auditorium.

In what has now become a tradition, the Gold Cap Presentation sees the swimmers individually recognised and given their gold caps for the meet, with the rookies officially inducted into the team with the acceptance of a ‘Gold Cap Bag’ featuring their name and Swimmer Number embroidered onto the front.

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From Fred Lane in 1900, swimmer number 1, to Georgia Bohl (764), Tamsin Cook (765), Jacob Hansford (766), Jack McLoughlin (767) and Josh Palmer (768) the latest in 2016 – the Swimmer Numbers represent a select group of individuals that have represented Australia and worn the green and gold at a major international meet.

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It is a way to celebrate our past, connecting it to the present, to help us prepare for the future and with a wealth of experience under his belt, Klim helped to bring the past learnings to the present last night.

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The dual Olympic gold medallist shared stories of success and also lessons learned as he spoke to the team about remaining in control, being confident and trusting your teammates.

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The Australian Swim Team will now depart Auburn and make their way into Rio where they will familiarise themselves with the village as well as the training and competition pools.

All credit for images: Delly Carr / Swimming Australia Ltd.


Issued on behalf of Swimming Australia by
Ian Hanson| Media Manager

Hanson Media Group

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