Posted in Swimming

emily seebohm olympic trials photo sportshoot sal.jpgKUALA LUMPUR, July 30: Rookie Olympic swimmers Cate Campbell and Emily Seebohm may be heading to Beijing on Sunday but the teenage pair is treating the greatest show in sport as just another swim meet.

The 16-year-old dynamic duo from Brisbane are in Kuala Lumpur with the rest of Australia's 43-member Olympic swim team as they prepare for the Games which kick off with the opening ceremony in just over a week.

Both Campbell and Seebohm have been training well since the Australian squad arrived in the Malaysian capital and are looking forward to moving on to China, comfortable in the fact they fit in well with what is a powerful and confident team.

The one thing that may be different for the spritely pair is the fact they have left their schoolbooks at home to focus solely on their performance at the striking Water Cube pool in Beijing.

Campbell, who will swim in the individual 50 and 100 metre freestyle races as well as forming part of Australia's defending champion 4x100m freestyle relay team, said even though she was off to the Olympics, she was treating the competition like any other.

"I know the Olympics are a big deal but you still swim in a 50 metre pool, I will stay race the same distances and give it my best," Campbell said.

"All I need to do is focus on that and give the very best that I can and I know my training and effort will be reflected by that."

Seebohm, the Commonwealth record holder in the 100m backstroke, is also thinking along the same lines.

"I just want to do the best I can and I am not getting worried that this is the Olympics," Seebohm said.

"I have been training hard with my coach Matt Brown and I know that if I do my best I'll be happy."

Seemingly just as exciting for the pair is the fact they have managed to leave their schoolwork behind although Seebohm sheepishly admitted she ‘might not' have finished all her assignments.

"Cate did all of her homework and assignments before she left but I didn't quite get through all of mine but I am sure I will get to them later," Seebohm said.

"My school has been very good at helping me fit in my swimming and schoolwork and I will work hard when we get home to catch up.

"It's just nice to be able to concentrate on the swimming here and then enjoy ourselves when we are done."

Campbell, who trains under astute young coach Simon Cusack, said they would try and see as much as they could post the swimming competition in Beijing.

"We plan on looking around, seeing some of China, going to other events and shopping - lots of shopping," she said.

The team will continue training before the camp wraps up on Sunday morning when the team jets to Beijing.