2012-2013 ascta Swimming Images Awards

Posted in Other News


SWIMMING, APRIL 3, 2013: To acknowledge Australia’s talented band of sports photographers from the swimming world, the Australian Swimming Coaches and Teachers Association (ascta) again invites all professional media photographers to enter the 2013 ascta Swimming Images Awards for the period – May 2012 to April 2013

After the high standards and success of previous awards, the Australian Swimming Coaches and Teachers Association (ascta) in conjunction with the Hanson Media Group are calling for nominations for photos in the following two categories:
• “Best Swimming Action Photo” and;
• “Best Swimming Related Feature Photo”.
Photos must be submitted by Friday, April 19, 2013
Winners will be announced at the ascta CONVENTION 2013 on the Gold Coast on Saturday May 12, during the ascta AWARDS Dinner.
Winners will be notified by phone or email and will be invited to attend the Dinner (airfares and accommodation provided) as well as a separate weekend for two at the five star luxury Sofitel, Gold Coast.
Entries will be judged by ascta & Hanson Media Group. All photos must be of ‘Hi- Res’ (300dpi min.) and be available to be published in ascta's magazine - "Swimming in Australia" – and reproduced at ascta's discretion (with photographers/organisation permission and with credits).
Action: Eyes Wide Open - Simon Cocksedge (Manly Daily).
Feature: Energy Boost - Deli Carr (Sportshoot).


Action: Delly Carr (Sportshoot)
Feature: Gregg Porteous (Daily Telegraph)


Issued by:

Ian Hanson

Hanson Media Group | P O Box 299 | West Burleigh Qld 4219
Phone: +61 7 5522 5556 | Mobile 0407 385 160 | Fax: +61 7 5522 5557
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | www.hansonmediagroup.com.au
