Triathlon Welcomes Increase In Funding Through ASC's Winning Edge Investment Allocations

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Triathlon Australia, April 23, 2013: Triathlon Australia will utilise its $300,000 increased funding from the Australian Sports Commission to invest in its paratriathlon and general High Performance Program.

Triathlon is one of 11 sports to receive additional funding through the Winning Edge investment allocations. 
The increased investment will see $150,000 spent on its paratriathlon program and $150,000 for the sport’s High Performance Program.
The funding allotments came when the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) announced the outcomes of the Australian government's new investment model for Australian High Performance Sport. 
The decisions were made following Winning Edge performance case submissions from 53 Australian National Sporting Organisations.
Triathlon Australia submitted a comprehensive performance case based on it history of achieving podium places at benchmark events such as Olympic Games, Commonwealth Games and World Championships.
A delighted Triathlon Australia CEO, Anne Gripper welcomed yesterday's news as a strong  indication of the ASC's confidence  in triathlon's ability to contribute to Australia's Winning Edge targets. 
"The increased investment from the ASC recognises the sport's strong tradition of achieving podium finishes in benchmark events,” Ms Gripper said.
“It also demonstrates confidence that our development programs, such as the National Talent Academy will ensure sustained international success.
"The specific funding for our fledgling paratriathlon program provides a significant boost in our ability to deliver successful outcomes at paratriathlon's debut at the Rio Paralympic Games in 2016.”
Triathlon Australia applauds the robust, long term approach to sport funding adopted by the ASC under Australia's Winning Edge 2012-2022 , described by ASC Chairman John Wylie yesterday as  "the high performance game plan for moving Australian sport from world class to world best".  

Issued on behalf of Triathlon Australia…..

Ian Hanson


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