March 31, 2012: Tim Ryan, Club President of Maroochydore SLSC, has asked that this open letter from his
club be distributed.

On behalf of the members of Maroochydore SLSC, I want to thank the surf lifesaving movement and the rest of Australia for the support they have shown Matt's family and our club this past week.

I would also like to acknowledge the officials and volunteers involved in the Aussies and make sure the world understands that we do not blame anyone for Matt's death. It was a tragic accident.

We are so appreciative of the search efforts after Matt went missing. Surf lifesavers, jet skis, helicopters,
police, IRBs and lifeguards were all involved and stayed in the water until it was too dark to continue. Once night fell and the crews needed to leave the water, the search still continued on the beach and helicopters flew throughout the night. We are grateful that Matt was never left alone.

To my fellow Maroochydore surf lifesaving buddies, thank you. To our neighbouring clubs who have offered
to do our patrols this weekend, thank you. The wider Sunshine Coast community has been a massive support and will be marching from Alex to Maroochydore in Matt's memory tomorrow.

Our Maroochydore club exists to save lives and like every club around Australia we're dedicated to spending
our time on the beach keeping people safe.

As Steve and Donna Barclay said yesterday, we want the whole of Australia to get behind surf lifesaving
and help build it up, not tear it down.

Tim Ryan, Club President

Maroochydore SLSC

On behalf of Maroochydore SLSC