November 29, 2012: Members of Northcliffe Surf Lifesaving Club have been distressed to have read recent media reports which appear to link alleged wrongdoing (“the alleged wrongdoing”) at the ILS World Youth Team Championships (“the Championships”) with Northcliffe Surf Lifesaving Club.  The reports regarding “alleged wrongdoing” include allegations of drug use and of an assault reported to be sexual in nature.

In particular, Northcliffe SLSC (“Northcliffe”) wishes to make the following matters clear:-
No Northcliffe Member Responsible
1.  No Northcliffe member is alleged to have participated in any part of the alleged wrongdoing;
Mr Barry Newman
2. In relation to Mr Barry Newman, is not alleged that Mr Newman had any role in the alleged misconduct.
3. The provisional suspension of Mr Newman relates to his role as Coach of the Australian Youth Team at the Championships, and not any role held by Mr Newman at Northcliffe.  Northcliffe is affected by the decision to provisionally suspend Mr Newman because he has also been suspended from any role in Surf Life Saving Australia, including his role at Northcliffe.
4. It is not alleged that Mr Newman participated in any of the wrongdoing, but Mr Newman has been requested to appear to answer whether he witnessed any drug use.
5. Mr Newman has assured Northcliffe that he strenuously denies being a witness to any drug use whatsoever, and accordingly Mr Newman should be afforded the presumption of innocence in relation to those matters.
6. Northcliffe will provide any and all assistance requested of it by SLSA in conducting a thorough investigation in relation to any matters of or concerning the alleged wrongdoing.
7. Northcliffe has a zero tolerance policy in relation to any use of prohibited substances.

Media Reports Misleading
8. Northcliffe is extremely upset that such media reports appear to have drawn a connection between Northcliffe and the matters alleged including sexual assault and unlawful drug use. 
9. Such headlines have been misleading because they have suggested that Northcliffe, or one or more of its members, have been engaged in wrongful, unlawful, or other misconduct.  This is simply not true.
10. Northcliffe is a proud of its reputation within the community, a community that it has been providing services to for more than 65 years.
11. Northcliffe has, at all times, complied and will comply with SLSA drug policy, Code of Conduct and member welfare policy.

Issued on behalf of BMC Northcliffe SLSC.

Ian Hanson| Managing Director
Hanson Media Group | P O Box 299 | West Burleigh Qld 4219
Phone: +61 7 5522 5556 | Mobile 0407 385 160 | Fax: +61 7 5522 5557
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