duke kahanamoku.jpgTOMORROW Friday, March 6, 2009 at approximately 1pm, Freshwater SLSC will host famous Hawaiian "watermen" Brian Keaulana and Archie Kalepa from Makaha, Hawaii.

Freshwater SLSC is acknowledged far and wide as the birthplace of Australian Surfing. In the summer of 1914/1915 Duke Kahanamoku visited Australia and spent Christmas of 1914 with members of the club.

And to celebrate the visit, The Duke's board will be out and on display for those who have not seen it ‘in the flesh'.

Duke put on a display of surfing at Freshwater Beach that remains, for many Australian surfers, as the quintessential moment that ‘surfing' as a lifestyle pursuit, really took off in Australia.

As such Freshwater holds a particularly important role for Australians and Hawaiians who share a love of the ocean and the activities they pursue in it.

Duke visited Australia in 1914 and again, in an ambassador role, during the 1956 Olympics.

In the 53 years since then there has not had another significant visit from an Hawaiian who represents the spirit of surfing that Duke embodied and encouraged.

Brian Keaulana (for those of you un-familiar with surfing) is the eldest son of "Buffalo" Keaulana. The name ‘Keaulana' is respected far and wide for their steadfast representation of everything Hawaiian. Brian is acknowledged as the finest ‘Waterman' of the modern era. In short "what Brian is to Surfing is what Eric Clapton is to the Electric Guitar!"

Brian & Archie (2008 Waterman of the Year) are much more than surfers. They are highly competent in all endeavours of the surf and remain most admired for their work in Surf Rescue in conditions most could barely imagine.

On the ‘Hollywood' side of things Brian has held significant mentoring roles in, ‘Blue Crush', ‘In Gods Hands' ‘Riding Giants'  & of course the ‘Billabong Odyssey' where the best big wave surfers from around the world chased the biggest waves on offer under the guidance, direction and safety, of Brian.

Freshwater beach and surf club have played a significant part in the history of surfing. For many Surf Life Savers a trip to ‘Freshie' is a trip to the birthplace of Australian Surfing and one of the most respected Surf Life Saving Clubs in Australia.

Many Hawaiian's know of Freshie and know of the role that Duke played in the history of Surfing in Australia. They also recognise the importance of visiting Freshwater when understanding the significant role Duke played in not just Surfing, but his particular mateship with the Australian Olympian, Cecil Healy at the 1912 Olympic Games in Stockholm after Healy refused to race unless Duke, who had missed the heats, was allowed to swim.

Duke eventually raced, winning gold, with Healy the silver.

Attached is a recent article on Brian Keaulana: